NJ REC Printed Licenses Freeze
Post date: Apr 15, 2011 7:24:33 PM
NJ REC Printed License Notice BULLETIN NO. 11-07
Per the New Jersey Real Estate Commission BULLETIN NO.11-07 they will not be mailing new, updated or license corrections in printed form until after some modifications have been completed with the real estate commissions license processing system.
A new license for the transferred or renewed licensee will not be mailed until midsummer of 2011 when system modifications are completed. The REC is still issuing licenses, corrections and renewals, they are just not sending them out on paper until their systems have been updated.
The purpose of this bulletin is to notify all real estate licensees that, commencing
April 5, 2011 and continuing through a date yet to be determined, the Department of
Banking and Insurance (“Department”) will delay the issuance of paper licenses on all
real estate licensing transactions. The delay will affect all transaction types, including
renewals, applications for initial licensure, transfers, reinstatements, name changes, etc.,
either manually processed by the Real Estate Licensing Bureau or completed through the
Real Estate On-line Licensing Services function.
Pursuant to recently enacted legislation (P.L. 2009 c. 238), as of July 1, 2011,
individuals may be issued a license as a “Real Estate Referral Agent.” It is anticipated
that as many as 30,000 or more currently licensed individuals may apply to change their
license type to that of a referral agent. Notification of the process to be used to apply
for licensure as a referral agent will be provided in a future bulletin. In order to
realize efficiencies and save the cost of printing and mailing two licenses for each person
who renews their current license for the 2011-2013 license term and then applies for a
license as a referral agent, it has been determined that NO LICENSES WILL BE
PRINTED for any licensing transactions until such time as the computer system
modifications required to generate referral agent licenses are completed.
To verify that applications for initial licensure as a salesperson, brokersalesperson
or broker, and applications for the renewal, transfer or reinstatement of a
license, or for any other license transaction have been successfully processed, brokers and
individual licensees may access the “Licensee Search” function available on the
Department’s website at https://www16.state.nj.us/DOBI_LicSearch/recSearch.jsp.
(After entering the licensee’s name and license type and clicking on “actively licensed”
from the license status drop-down list, and then clicking on the “Search” button, general
information on the licensee will appear. By then clicking on the “Actively Licensed” box
in the record on the individual who is the subject of the search, a printable screen
containing detailed information on that licensee can be viewed and printed.)
The data reflected on the Licensee Search reflects the official licensing record of the Department
on the individual on whom the search is made. Generally, licensing transactions
completed on-line through the broker portal available at http://www.njdobi-ols.net are
reflected on the Licensee Search database 48 hours after the electronic transaction is
Transactions completed on paper applications require additional time to
process, so licensees should continue to check on the License Search function until
evidence of the completion of the transaction appears. Brokers wishing to retain a paper
record of a completed licensing transaction may print the screen on the individual who
was the subject of the transaction that appears on the “Licensee Search” and confirms that
the transaction was accomplished, and retain the printed screen as their record. (Brokers
who use the On-line Licensing Services function can print the screen depicting the
successfully completed transaction and retain that document as their licensing record, in
lieu of going into the “Licensee Search” function to do so.) Confirmation of the status of
completed renewal applications is provided through the on-line renewal system.
Upon the completion of the necessary system modifications following the 2011
renewal process and the processing of the large volume of applications for referral agent
licensure anticipated to be submitted subsequent to July 1, 2011, the Department will
print and mail to brokers the licenses of all persons licensed with their firms as of the date
the licenses are printed, including those licensed as referral agents. Such licenses will
reflect the processing of all renewals and of the other transactions referenced herein.
NOTE: At this time, the Department does not expect the system modifications to be
functional until mid-summer.
In the interim, persons initially licensed, and licensees who transfer to or reinstate
their licenses with your firm may comply with the “pocket card” requirement imposed by
N.J.S.A. 45:15-14 by having in their possession a copy of a print out from the Licensee
Search function or from the On-line Licensing Services function that confirms that they
are actively licensed with your firm.
The statements in this bulletin supersede any contrary information with respect to
the mailing of licenses that may appear on any other forms or notices issued by the
Department or the Real Estate Commission, including, but not limited to the Instructions
for the 2011-2013 real estate license renewal process.
All interested parties should monitor the web page of the Real Estate Commission
where additional information will be posted as it becomes available.
Brokers are strongly urged to disseminate this bulletin to all broker-salespersons
and salespersons licensed with their firms.
See Bulletin No. 11-07.