NJ Real Estate CE - Continuing Education Classes

Get All 12 hours of REQUIRED CE Real Estate Licensing Credits

Take CE classes at home at  your Leisure right now with two options of Online class providers at low cost: 

Get 20% off your CE now with McKissock using this link.

There is still time!

The NJ REC added a new 1 credit/hour “Core” Fair Housing

course requirement for the current 2023-2025 cycle.

Please see the CE Requirements below for the most current information

Prior to the Renewal System opening, the REC website will be updated and notices will be mailed out to Brokers of Record and Individual Licensees confirming the details

Referral Agent
New Jersey Salesperson Licensed with Real Estate Referral Company (formerly known as the Referral Agent) does not need continuing education to renew their license.

Continuing Education is required to change a license type from Salesperson Licensed with Real Estate Referral Company to another license type. Please click here to see the options: Salesperson Licensed with Real Estate Referral Company Chart https://www.state.nj.us/dobi/division_rec/licensing/splwrerc.pdf

Renewal Date: June 30th odd years.

Continuing Education Date: April 30th odd years.

Hours Required by New Jersey REC: 12 hours

- 6 core hours
- 2 hours in Ethics
- 1 hour in Fair Housing
- 1 hour Agency
- 2 hours in any core topic (Agency, Disclosure, Legal Issues, Ethics, Fair Housing, and/or Rules and Regulations).

- 6 elective hours (may be core, elective, or a combination).

Referral Agents Looking to Reinstate - CE Requirements https://www.state.nj.us/dobi/division_rec/licensing/splwrerc.pdf  

I just got my license, am I required to take CE classes?Maybe! You should follow this link to find out more about CE credit for new licenseesUPDATE:Every individual licensed as a broker, broker-salesperson or salesperson must complete 12 hours of CE before April  30th of odd numbered years to renew a license or to reinstate an unrenewed license. In order to avoid the $200 processing fee, all CE credits must be completed by April 30th. Those who do not complete their CE requirement before then must pay the $200 "processing fee" as well as complete the 12 hours of classes before they can re-license. Don't wait until the last minute, take your CE training classes now.

The New Jersey Real Estate Commission (REC) requires ALL real estate licensees must meet the new Continuing Education (CE) requirement before April 30th in order to renew their license for the same year by June 30th odd numbered years when their licenses are set to expire or be renewed. You will not be able to renew your license unless an additional administrative fee of $200 is paid plus possible reinstatement, late charges, etc AND you will still need to take the classes before you could renew.

Note: All licensees must take CE classes except those who changed their license type to the new license category of "Referral Agent" aka SLWRERC - Salesperson Licensed with Real Estate Referral Company is the new name for the license. Yeah we know, it's a mouth full. SLWRERC are exempt from CE requirements to renew their licenses however they must be licensed not with a traditional licensed brokerage but the new brokerage licensed and registered as a "Referral Company". Real estate BROKERS licensed as such for at least 40 years are also exempt from the CE requirements to renew their licenses.

Double Check your license type if you are hanging it in a "referral agency" because if it is not a referral agent license then you will still need to take CE classes to meet the CE requirements for all other license categories required by NJ real estate license law.

I just got my license, am I required to take CE classes?

Maybe! You should follow this link to find out more about CE credit for new licensees

Career Path Academy has our in-class CE courses on the way currently awaiting approval however in the meanwhile we have approved online continuing education classes available now. You can start earning your credits right now with our online approved courses.

Get all 12 CE credits required to keep your real estate license in our online classes and take them at your leisure is inexpensive. Stop and continue any time you like until you're done, even at home after midnight while eating and wearing your pajamas!  http://www.njrealestatece.com/


Continuing Education REC Information page https://www.state.nj.us/dobi/division_rec/licensing/continuingeducation/applications.htm

Info to Reinstate an expired license https://www.state.nj.us/dobi/division_rec/licensereinstatement.htm


12 hours TOTAL

OR Take ALL Core topics if you wish but with at least

Important Note: ETHICS IS an acceptable substitute for CORE and ELECTIVES, but CORE and ELECTIVES IS NOT an acceptable substitute for ETHICS. ETHICS and CORE ARE acceptable to use instead of ELECTIVES.

 Any Salesperson Referral changing licensing types is required to complete the CE all in CORE or ETHIC topics ONLY (see chart https://www.state.nj.us/dobi/division_rec/licensing/splwrerc.pdf).


Broker, Broker-Salesperson or Salespersons

Referral Agents / SLWRERC

All Referral Agents looking to reinstate, changing licensing types are required to complete the CE all in Core or Ethic topics ONLY
see chart https://www.state.nj.us/dobi/division_rec/licensing/splwrerc.pdf


Classes available from www.NJRealeEstateCE.com 

McKissock has classes like those below.

Get a discount off your CE now with McKissock using this link

Other LIVE and at your pace non-credit professional development webinars available as well.

Don't procrastinate any longer

Don't wait until the last minute, take your CE training classes now.

Do you know anyone else needing CE credits yet? Bring them along.



CAUTION: Many courses out there are being offered claiming to give you all 12 required credits how may only be 12 elective credits, this will not meet your CE requirement. You need 6 Core topic credits of which 2 must be in ethics, at least 1 in fair housing, and the remaining 6 may be in core topics or electives. Taking 12 elective credits will not fulfill your CE licensing requirement so just be cautious of that. Also note the ethics course in most cases will not fulfill your NAR quadrennial ethics requirement, this is separate from the state required licensing CE approved courses in most cases unless the ethics class was also approved by your local realtor association.